
Works in progress

The republication of Gold has been a real success and the knock-on effect on sales of The Grand Mirage gives some indication that it truly does help to have more titles out there. It is a big incentive to get some of the works in progress finished.

It seems relatively certain at this point that the new financial thriller in progress will be the next Barnaby Woods Books publication. It is not a sequel to Gold but more like a 2012 version, with a Washington blogger as the protagonist.

The sequel to The Grand Mirage will take a little longer because of the historical research involved, but that, too, is making progress.

The Launch

It’s my great pleasure to publish The Grand Mirage through Barnaby Woods Books. My three previous books were published by mainstream houses, Doubleday and Dutton, but now the marvels of digital technology offer authors a way to connect directly with readers.

The idea for this book goes back to my work in Europe covering Deutsche Bank, the big universal bank that has dominated the German economy since its founding in 1870. A history of the bank published some time ago related its role in building what the Germans call the Berlin to Baghdad Railway. The story leapt off the pages for me, transporting me back to a world of Great Power rivalry, imperial intrigue and the exotic Orient. It’s that vision I’ve tried to capture in these pages.

I want to thank Jerry Gross, the vastly experienced independent editor who went over the novel with me line by line, offering countless suggestions for improvement and giving the manuscript a professional polish. I also want to thank Mel Parker, a veteran publisher and agent, who enthusiastically took on the book and worked tirelessly to find a publishing house for it. He also made numerous suggestions that have improved the final product.

John Marks was an early and enthusiastic supporter for this project, as were Veronika Hass and Jamie Morris. My small writers group – Jerry Komisar, Lawrence Ellsworth, Doug Wadler, Anthony Comberiate, Scott Sowers – read and critiqued the manuscript in our monthly sessions.

It was an old friend from Columbia, Jim Bruno, who encouraged me to consider self-publishing as he exploited the fabulous potential of this rapidly evolving digital medium. Jose Ramirez of Pedernales Publishing appeared at just the right moment to fulfill those author's services of formatting, design, and navigating the complex world of book publishing and distribution.

My wife, Andrea Hirsch, has believed in me, supported me and advised me throughout, and I'm thrilled to dedicate this book to her.